Wednesday, March 23, 2011

where it may all lead to

Too much technology is taking us away from nature. The innovations are making life easy, existence more comfortable and convenient in the process decaying our capacities to cope with nature. But we cannot evade natural selection. Can we? Nature is too great a force to ignore. Look at Japan. They could resist the earthquake to certain extent but couldn't resist the Tsunami. This is just an example. Human curiosity and thirst for knowledge has propelled mankind into Scientific inquiry and we have come a long way now generating technologies that improve human life and health.

Considering science is nothing but a systematic understanding of how nature works, we are still far from grasping the wisdom. It is far too complicated probably for human comprehension. Thus, in my understanding, this whole approach of Western Science to develop innovative technologies to improve human life is misdirected. Humans should be left to Nature's care and selection. Although research should continue to understand Nature and its powers, it should not be directed towards developing technologies (read making money). It should target beyond that.